Enterprise Software Solutions – On Premise, In the Cloud or Managed

K2 Capital Expenditure Request Accelerator

This accelerator supports the approval routing for purchasing capital assets.
The request form, completed by an employee, captures the necessary details about the items to be purchased as assets, then starts a workflow that will route the request to the employee’s manager for approval. Once approved, the request will be routed to the Cost Center Manager for review. The next approvals are determined by the total amount of the request. Different tiers have different maximum approval amounts and the request’s status can only be changed to approved if an approver in a tier where the maximum level is more than the total amount has approved the request. Once approved, the originator will receive a final confirmation email with the final decision. Approvers also have the option to request for more information if they are unable to make an informed decision based on the details provided.

Approval Process
Manager/Supervisor approval
Cost Center Manager Approval – By cost center
Tier Approval – this is hierarchical based on total dollar amount of the capital expenditure

Capital Expenditure Request Workflow

Submission Form

Capital Expenditure Request Form

There are a number of lists that can be configured for this accelerator.

  • Tier Approvers and their approving limit
  • Asset categories
  • Cost Center Administrators/managers by cost center

Home screen for users
Users are able to see requests they submitted and requests that are assigned to them for approval.

How does this help you?
If you are looking to use this as a baseline for building an enterprise strength Capital Expenditure Approval Solution , here are a few things we recommend you do:

  • Move from Smartbox SmartObjects to your own SQL database.
  • Configure various administrative lists
  • Remove originator from the destination rules. We believe this is done primarily for ease of testing and demonstration.
  • Check if the approving limits are different for different cost centers. If so, you can extend the Tier Approval Configuration to accommodate limits by cost center.

Accelerator Version